South London Support Group

South London SG
This support group based in South London is for people with any form of cardiomyopathy, their family members, friends and supporters. 
Photo of Jackie and Tina

This group, run by volunteer support group leaders Jackie & Tina (pictured here), aims to provide a relaxed environment for people affected by cardiomyopathy and their families to hear from a variety of expert speakers and to meet others living with the condition.


Next meeting dates

Monday 8th July (6pm - 8pm)

at the following address:
St Andrew's Upper Hall,

Short Street,

off The Cut,



This meeting will mark the 10th anniversary of our group! It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible at the meeting, whether you are a new or longstanding member, or someone who attended in earlier years - everyone is very welcome! We will bring some cake to mark the occasion.


We will be running the meeting as a facilitated group discussion around navigating the challenges of living with cardiomyopathy, with space to raise questions, experiences or comments that affect our participants. 

Future Meetings:

Monday 7th October 2024

For details of how to join this meeting, or for more information about this support group, please email: